Sunday, December 8, 2013

Cold case called love ...

  They say true love comes only once in your lifetime ... well , let me to disagree on that one . It was about time to share what I feel and think about this "love"  thingy' and what can be more suitable then after experiencing the disappointment  :P . So , shall we start ?!
   In my opinion , all the adolescent "love" meeting experience is actually starting to learn , see , feel and live next to someone that u are attracted to , projecting that perfect person you created in your head from all the cheesy movies u seen with prince and princesses , all those romances , love novels ( where the good always wins  ) , in someone u get attached to , in real life . Well , my dears ... sorry for breaking that up , that ain't true love because 1st of all at that young age u barely know yourself that good , u barely have built your own personality , your own needs , tastes , expectations , opinions ... yourself . At that period u always try to be someone else but yourself , because u don't know yourself enough and u become like that person , star , famous person , popular kid , everyone else except you , who u really are .
    I started to see who I really was after I felt good in my shoes , I stopped being like "a copy" of someone , when I knew my flaws and my ups and accepted the way I was , learned to love myself and tried to fix the things that would help me in the future be a better person. All this comes after u meet THAT SPECIAL ONE the one u can really call your 1st love , that person who "taught" u to love yourself the way u are and got at the surface the best of you . The person who saw all this good in you from the beginning and accepted your flaws. His/her love for you was the key from his/her eyes , that's the way u learn , when u two are one . After having a relationship like that because in some cases it's not forever or with a " happily ever after " song  , you go in life with other eyes , u see love with other eyes , u see yourself . In my case it didn't ended with a "happily ever after" but it sure thought me so many things and that person will always have a place in my heart because I owe him for the way I am now , for all the amazing small things that I experienced and most of all for still being after all a good friend . 
    There aren't any failure relationships there are just methods from life teaching u how to survive , coexist  better in this world . I consider that past relationship one of the lifes few blissfull gifts . And if u are in the same case as I was , finding that first love but in the end didn't worked out , make sure u don't low the standards that your ex raised as a boyfriend or as a girlfriend when u'll think that u have or that u found someone special , don't rush into finding that other new one ( like I almost did )  . If your ex did lot of good in your life , helping you love and discover yourself   , u shoudn't settle for less , u should be wise and picky  . Never settle for less ! Someone close told me once something very wise : " See how life is ...? People come and go in your scenery/landscape so it's not worth it to put a price on something which anyway has no value . " ( A. T ) ; I totally agree with that in the case when someone takes you for granted or doesn't appreciate you . 
  You are worth it and u will find that special someone with who u'll have that happily ever after  ^_^ .

                                                                                                   Sweet framboise kisses , 

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